A new article on which I have contributed, published at Campana & Schott.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most sought-after, yet controversial technologies of the 21st century and plays an increasingly relevant role in companies of various sizes and industries. Artificial intelligence can help to open up new sources of revenue and make different areas of activity in companies more efficient and effective. In marketing, sales and product management, there is particularly great potential for the use of AI due to the large amount of customer data.
The AI Experience Report highlights the current state of AI applications in marketing, sales and product management. The challenges were identified and recommendations for action were derived for companies that want to use artificial intelligence.
The study is published by the Technische Universität Darmstadt and Campana & Schott.
For the current edition 2021, qualitative interviews were conducted with 20 professionals and executives with relevant expertise. 13 different use cases for the application of artificial intelligence in these three business functions were identified.
Please read more and download the report here: AI Report (English) or KI Praxis Report (Deutsch)