A new article published by me on the platform Industry of Things.
Given today’s flood of data, it is becoming increasingly difficult to evaluate all the information quickly and carefully. Intelligent systems can help by performing an initial analysis based on specific keywords and contexts.
These systems fully develop their potential when combined with machine learning. If companies systematically query these data volumes and check them in a structured manner, they can not only make more informed decisions, but also save time and money.
Data analytics is becoming increasingly important in companies, especially due to access to large databases. But evaluating the information they contain is often time-consuming. For example, in the case of invitations to tender or specialist articles, after an initial search, hundreds or thousands of hits usually have to be opened first, then read and finally evaluated. Only then are interesting candidates forwarded internally to the decision-makers or specialist committees. These then make the final decision as to which suggestions are actually relevant – and which are not. The crux: All of this is usually done manually and by e-mail. The example of a pharmaceutical company shows how this can be done much more efficiently and quickly with the help of automated systems.
To learn more about this topic read the full article (in German): Automatisch die Nadel im Heuhaufen finden